Monday, April 13, 2009

Rss April Word challenge (Nature)

RSS April Quote Challenge

RSS April Theme challenge (paint)
These are the three LO's I got done on the weekend for Ready, Set, Scrap. Mighty effort!! 3 in one night!! Went to an Adam Brand concert on Friday night in Bonnie Doon, with McAllister Kemp and the Sunny Cowgirls as well. Lots of cowboys/girls and grog! Good concert, but I have learnt for next time...don't stand in front of the speakers!!! My ears were still ringing half way through Saturday!! Wandered the Bush Market on Saturday, brought some soap which I stock up on at every bush market (four a year), some fudge and socks for Rob. OMG, the town was packed to the brim!!! Took me 20 minutes to get from home to work, which normally takes me three minutes!! I could not believe the amount of people here, haven't seen the town that packed for years!!! Great for the town.... Anyway, enough rambling, gotta get some sleep. Thanks for stopping by Pauly xx


  1. Happy Belated Easter Pauly and Family, Looks like your scrapping efforts paid dividends!!! They look so AWESOME!!! I love how you have made the photo carry onto the LO with the waves and the sea!! But my fav LO is Like Father Like Son, looks like the frame has been pushed into a pillow!!! Luv Shaz xoxo

  2. Love all these LO's Pauly. Your take on each of these challenges was awesome!

  3. Gee, you are so clever!! love you work pauly xx
